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Wuthering Heights Par Emily Brontë (en Anglais)
2,00 €
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Wuthering Heights As darkness falls, a man caught in a snowstorm is forced to shelter at the strange, grim house Wuthering Heights. It is a place he will never forget. There he will come to learn the story of Cathy: how she was forced to choose between her well-meaning husband and the dangerous man she had loved since she was young. Full description
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- Auteur
- brontë
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- Format du livre
- Livre de poche (moins de 19cm)
- Edition
- penguin
- Référence de stock
- LOC3-1B3
Livres en Anglais
The old man and...Santiago, un vieux pêcheur pauvre, qui toute sa vie a affronté l'océan, n'a plus rien pêché depuis quatre-vingt-quatre jours. Commence alors, entre...
2,00 €